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this is this one drinking game I played with a few guys years ago. I cant remember the name of it but what you do is you do a handstand and you drink beer through a tube. once your done chugging it down and get back on your feet, you automatically just fall on your a*s ahahah

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Its kinda creepy in a voyeristic kinda make me feel dirty like my neighbor watched me run around naked and put pictures on the internet and sold them for $3.95 but wouldn't share the profits because she is a scary in a hot gothic kinda way lesbian who my friends all want to bang but i won't let them because the bitch still hasn't paid me way...

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It's not better hence the "you suck" comment. I hate Mozilla Firefox. (it's an alternate web-browser based on netscape engine)


See, i look at it this way. Firefox is like using a condom when 'surfing'. It isn't as good as without, but hey, i can still surf tomorrow.


Now, surfing w/ IE is like sleeping w/ a very attractive hooker and b/c she looks hot, not using protection. Sure, shes hot as hell, but in then end, you get the gift that keeps on giving...all b/c it 'looked' better :p


plus, tabbed browsing rules.

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