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my brand new korn cd = skips on 5 songs in my car. its working fine on my computer, so i think i'm going to burn it and use the cd-r for car use.


orange juice is starting to taste like crap. i haven't had a cigarette all day, so i think that might be part of my problem...at least with the headache and dizzyness. i'll probably chain a few before i go to bed tonight.


i can't wait to see jenny tomorrrow at work...i talked to her for a whole 5 minutes today. today is the first day that i haven't seen her since we started going out...i miss her.

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which Korn CD did you get, maybe the greatest hits?

I had always wondered why Jonathon Davis looked like he was going bald, til I got that DVD album and watched his live show, apparently he shaved the sides of his head. He's got a hot wife though.


I wish there music wasn't going down the craphole, I used to love them. Fieldy has always sucked though, where the hell did they dig that guy up anyways?


I just finished watching HERO, with Jet Li. I hate that wire frame acting, its just to unrealistic. He used to be the crap too, but he's spoiled now.


Does anyone realize how badass Jean Claude Van Damme is, first of all he's got 4 names and secondly he is one of the only martial arts superstars to actually face himself in a movie, you know your'e badass when the only thing left to fight is a clone of yourself.


I got my nipples pierced about 2 weeks ago, first piercing ever. I was shaking I was so nervous. It actually wasn't that bad though.


What's the difference between a truckbed full of bowling balls and a truck bed full of dead babies..............You can't unload bowling balls with a pitchfork!


What do you call nuts on your'e chest? answer: chestnuts

What do you call nuts on the wall? answer: wallnuts

What do you call nuts on you're chin? answer: weiner in you're mouth!

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joey has a nikon slr camera...



korn has gone downhill since life is peachy was released



my hot chocolate is too hot :p



i need to call my best friend later... we didn't get to talk to each other for about a year since we both moved last year... she had no phone on top of it all. ran into each other the other day.



i need to finish... err, start, packing for thursday.

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yeah stage anger just isn't cool, Johnathon Davis could do better than that.


I worked out my abs really hard the other day and they still hurt, it's worth it though.


I need to get my hands on the Deftones self named album, talk about rockin you're f'in socks off.


I found a really cool cell phone game the other day, it's called snowball fight. It's kinda self explanatory, but you basically aim and throw snowballs at the other kids on the screen, you can duck behind stuff too, It's absolutely marvelous.


what if I had two huge fingers for arms, would anyone talk to me?


What would you rather,

A: Get booty fooked by a Giraffe

B: slide down a shute lined with razors...into a vat of salt.

C: Bite down as hard as you can on a metal nail file and then yank that puppy out!


Did anyone know that an early method of preventing rape, was to insert a small trap inside the womans love pocket, something lined with razors or with a thick needle inside. The rapist would have a delightful surprise waiting for him. I'm sorry if that offended anyone.


This is truly evil, but......I wanna round up a bunch of mentally handicapped people and start a landscaping business. No one could turn them down cause they'd feel bad, so I'd have like all these retards mowing lawns. Then since they have no concept of money I would just pocket almost all the cash and be like who wants to go to Wendy's and they'd answer back in their little retarded voices, "oH i dO?".................................................Damn that's evil, I feel bad now.

Again, I'm sorry if that offended anyone. My children will probably be retarded.


If you really want to know if someone likes you, try sticking you're finger in their nose. If they still wanna be around you that's a good sign.


I wanna get a pet midget, does anyone know a good place to find one. (lol)


alright I'm done for now......Amen! (the end)

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I think I set a new record in school today, I slept for so long that when I woke up, my knees locked and my contacts were dried out. Plus I got through an entire AC/DC CD :thumbsup: Im so proud of myself

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old school korn was cool. I enjoyed 18% of FTL




anyway today I did a recon car as a fav to a salesmen cause i fracked up a tourag's review mirrior last sat. Anyway he said the customers were waiting...I rushed through it...went to take it over to VW....no one there! He fracked me! So I left the lights on and hid the keys on this key board :devil: that mother f*cker doesn't know who hes messing with

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Last night was awesome, my girlfriend is really uptight about some things, espescially farting. So to remedy this little imperfection, as she was lying on her back having a serious conversation with me, I folded her legs over her chest and sat on the back of her thighs and bounced up and down. Needless to say she lit one!


18% of Follow the Leader huh, how exactly did you calculate that number (lol). No joke though, follow the leader only had like 3 remotely awesome songs. However Korn has had some irrefutably bad ass songs. I just want to clarify that Limp Bizkit has never made a good song, ever..................EVER! yet people compare the two bands all the time?


Oh, SUPEDUPVIPER, are you in college or high school, cause if your'e in college then I'm gonna have to accuse you of being a dumbass for sleeping through a class that you're paying to take. Otherwise, how the hell long are you're classes in High School. Some computer genius out there should make a lightning bolt key for people who enjoy listening to AC/DC, see it would fit in right there.


Do Porsche Cayanne's have a factory adjustable suspension, like airbags or something?


I have to go to court tomorrow, to argue my way out of a ticket.

Get this I came to a red light on a completely abandoned road and made a right turn, but I didn't stop completely, however I was barely rolling. The "Police Officer" pulls me over and writes me a ticket for straight up running a redlight........Bastard!

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I just want to clarify that Limp Bizkit has never made a good song, ever..................EVER!


quote... although the remake of "behind blue eyes" isn't bad... but since it's not actually their song...


i think people compare them, or think of one when they think of the other, is because when korn hit it big, limp bizkit was there immediately afterwards... aren't they friends as well or something? can't even remember... but then again, i don't care much either.


was there a no turn on red sign at the stoplight? either way, you're supposed to come to a complete stop, being stopped for at least five seconds -- no rolling stops. just speak with the officer before you go into the courtroom. it shouldn't be much of a ticket to begin with, so i'm not sure it will do any good.

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Last night was awesome, my girlfriend is really uptight about some things, espescially farting. So to remedy this little imperfection, as she was lying on her back having a serious conversation with me, I folded her legs over her chest and sat on the back of her thighs and bounced up and down. Needless to say she lit one!

that is the 2md greatest thing i have ever heard of.




in other words FTL kinda sucked


limp bizkit is mad gay

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Oh, SUPEDUPVIPER, are you in college or high school, cause if your'e in college then I'm gonna have to accuse you of being a dumbass for sleeping through a class that you're paying to take. Otherwise, how the hell long are you're classes in High School. Some computer genius out there should make a lightning bolt key for people who enjoy listening to AC/DC, see it would fit in right there.

highschool, 90 minute long classes


my parents got the Escalade today, im speechless

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i was standing outside in a empty parking lot last night at 1 in the morning talking with jenny (trying to get warm actually...). there was ice on top of our cars.

awwwwwwww :wub: awwwwwwwwwww


you should of been like, "hey its cold out here, how about you come warm up at my place?"

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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and yuo can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig? Yaeh and I awlyas thuoght slpeling was ipmorantt.

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