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Where's DDrew???


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I'm still around, I don't post much cuz work is so busy they piss on me if they see me browsing the web... I check in from time to time to see if I get any PM's...


VT, I haven't been on party too much lately, just in the big tourneys when I have about 7 hours to kill... I play jetset poker mostly these days, I like the smaller atmosphere there

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thats for sure, i have to keep my king postwhore status..


hopefully joe's setting up a shop in florida...i want that sucker to hook me up with cheap parts. most likely he's just busy with his crap up north.


what happened to darksaint? he still gets on aim all the time. what happened to mike?

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VT, I haven't been on party too much lately, just in the big tourneys when I have about 7 hours to kill... I play jetset poker mostly these days, I like the smaller atmosphere there

ahh i see.. well i stopped playing too, cant.. reaply bluff on that game..

what happened to darksaint? he still gets on aim all the time. what happened to mike?

you know.. everyones all fading.. slowly.. awaaaaay..



i need to start postwhoring again :p

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