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Nitros or Turbo


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hey all,


My buddy and I are working of his JDM SIR 92 civic. We are trying to decide which is the better choice, Turbo or Zex nitrous kit. Daily driver, and hoping to make it a weekend strip racer. Currently has intake and exhaust. Pros and cons of both?



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since no one else will state the obvious... turbo it :D nitrous is poop, and if you size the turbo correctly it'll be fine for a daily driver. although you will need new exhaust and that intake will go straight to the trash bin, hope you didnt recently buy those >_<

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Turbo's are much to expensive and not worht the effort unless your running the car soley for track reasons. All motor in the end is cheaper and more reliable for a street application.

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All motor in the end is cheaper and more reliable for a street application

i know several people who would dispute this... besides, turbo makes more torque, and everyone knows hondas arent king of the torque pile

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Nitrious is temporary horse power...... I would get the turbo





naw dog actually i would get the NAWS and get a purge kit, z3 fenders and just use the purge kit to shoot the NAWS outta the z3 fenders..lol

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