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Couple things I've done


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Decided to do some random stuff to the car couple days ago. I smoked my tail lights and the lil red bar too. I painted my rims graphyte with my cousin one day. While the back wheel was off i saw my exhaust and why it was rattling so they told me to just cut of the exhaust. It actually came out pretty nice ppl IMO. Next week ill get some tein lowering springs should b like an inch and a half drop.




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...I black spray painted my tail lights and the lil red bar too.


You need to change your post to accurately reflect the work you did. That is certainly not a "tint" job you have on there. I would be suprised if you do not get a ticket with them that dark.


don't get me wrong. the lights look nice. just saying...

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not a fan at all.. Wheels looked better silver. Tail lights are now trash. You will either fail inspection with them like that if you dont already get a ticket for them. Or someone rear ends you cause you cant see your brake lights..


Clean up the car itself go back to stock tails then lower it and you deff ricerized your exhaust my sawing it off.

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The Escaped PrisonerMr Stapleton came to the Hall and met Sir Henry that same afternoon.The next morning he took us to the place where the evil Sir Hugo died.Then we had lunch at the House.Sir Henry clearly thought Miss Stapleton was very beautiful.His eyes followed her everywhere.He liked her very much,and I was sure that she felt the same about him.He spoke about her again and again as we walked home.After the first meeting,we met the Stapletons almost every day.


After a short time it was clear that Sir Henry had fallen deeply in love with the beautiful Miss Stapleton.At first I thought that Stapleton would be very pleased if his sister mar ried Sir Henry.However,I soon realized that he did not want their friendship to grow into love.He did everything he could to make sure that they were never alone.On one or two occa sions they did manage to meet alone,but Stapleton followed them and was not pleased to see them together.

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I soon met another neighbour of Sir Henry's.His name was Mr Frankland,and he lived about four miles to the south of the Hall.He was an old man with a red face and white hair.He had two hobbies.The first was arguing.He argued with everybody.The second hobby was studying the stars.For this he had a very big telescope.For several days he had been watching the moor through the telescope.He wanted to find Selden,the escaped murderer.Nobody had seen the prisoner for a fortnight,and we all thought that he had probably left the moor.


A few nights later I was woken by a noise at about two in the morning.I heard someone walking softly outside my door.I got up,opened the door and looked out.I saw Barrymore moving carefully and quietly away from me.I followed him,as quietly as I could.He went into one of the empty bedrooms and left the door open.I went quietly up to the door and looked in side.


Barrymore was standing at the window.He was holding a light in his hand and looking out onto the moor.He stood without moving for a few minutes and then he put out the light.


I went quickly back to my room.A few minutes later I heard Barrymore go softly by.

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The next morning I told Sir Henry what I had seen.


'We must follow him and find out what he is doing,'said Sir Henry.'He won't hear us if we move carefully.'


That night we sat in Sir Henry's room and waited.At about three o'clock in the morning we heard the sound of footsteps outside the bedroom.We looked out and saw Barrymore.We followed him as quietly as we could.He went into the same room as before.We reached the door and looked in.There was Barrymore,with the light in his hand,looking out across the moor,exactly as I had seen him on the night before.


Sir Henry walked into the room and said:'What are you do ing here,Barrymore?'

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Barrymore turned round quickly,surprise and horror on his face.


'Nothing,Sir,'he said.The shadows on the wall from his light were jumping up and down as his hand shook.'It was the window,sir.I go round at night to see that they are closed,and this one wasn't shut.'


'Come now,Barrymore,'said Sir Henry.'No lies.What were you doing with that light?You were holding it up to the window.'


I suddenly had an idea.'I think he was sending a message,' I said.'Let's see if there's an answer from someone on the moor.'


I held the light up to the window,and looked out into the darkness.Suddenly a light answered from the moor.


'There it is,'I cried.I waved my light backwards and for wards across the window.The light on the moor answered by moving in the same way.wow power leveling


'Now,Barrymore,who is your friend on the moor?What's going on?'


'That's my business,'said Barrymore,'I won't tell you.'


'Are you making some criminal plan against me?'Sir Henry said.


'No,it's nothing against you,sir,'said a voice behind us.It was Mrs Barrymore.She had followed us and was standing at the door.'He's doing it for me.My unhappy brother is cold and hungry on the moor.We cannot let him die.Our light is to tell him that food is ready for him.His light shows us where to take it.'


'Then your brother is…'began Sir Henry.


'The escaped prisoner,sir.Selden,the murderer.He is my younger brother.He has done evil things,but to me he is still the little boy I loved and cared for.I had to help him.Every thing my husband has done has been for me.Please don't take his job from him.It's not his fault.'


Sir Henry turned to Barrymore and said:


'I cannot blame you for helping your wife.Go to bed,and we'll talk about this in the morning.'


The Barrymores left us.maple story mesos,


'The murderer is waiting out there by that light,' said Sir Henry.'He's a danger to everyone.I'm going to catch him.If you want to come with me,Watson,fetch your revolver and let's go.'


We left the Hall immediately.


'We must surprise him and catch him.'said Sir Henry.'He's a dangerous man.Now,Watson,what would Holmes say about this?Do you remember what the old papers said? They said the Devil does his work when the world is dark.'


The Escaped Prisoner

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The Escaped PrisonerMr Stapleton came to the Hall and met Sir Henry that same afternoon.The next morning he took us to the place where the evil Sir Hugo died.Then we had lunch at the House.Sir Henry clearly thought Miss Stapleton was very beautiful.His eyes followed her everywhere.He liked her very much,and I was sure that she felt the same about him.He spoke about her again and again as we walked home.After the first meeting,we met the Stapletons almost every day.


After a short time it was clear that Sir Henry had fallen deeply in love with the beautiful Miss Stapleton.At first I thought that Stapleton would be very pleased if his sister mar ried Sir Henry.However,I soon realized that he did not want their friendship to grow into love.He did everything he could to make sure that they were never alone.On one or two occa sions they did manage to meet alone,but Stapleton followed them and was not pleased to see them together.

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I soon met another neighbour of Sir Henry's.His name was Mr Frankland,and he lived about four miles to the south of the Hall.He was an old man with a red face and white hair.He had two hobbies.The first was arguing.He argued with everybody.The second hobby was studying the stars.For this he had a very big telescope.For several days he had been watching the moor through the telescope.He wanted to find Selden,the escaped murderer.Nobody had seen the prisoner for a fortnight,and we all thought that he had probably left the moor.


A few nights later I was woken by a noise at about two in the morning.I heard someone walking softly outside my door.I got up,opened the door and looked out.I saw Barrymore moving carefully and quietly away from me.I followed him,as quietly as I could.He went into one of the empty bedrooms and left the door open.I went quietly up to the door and looked in side.


Barrymore was standing at the window.He was holding a light in his hand and looking out onto the moor.He stood without moving for a few minutes and then he put out the light.


I went quickly back to my room.A few minutes later I heard Barrymore go softly by.

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The next morning I told Sir Henry what I had seen.


'We must follow him and find out what he is doing,'said Sir Henry.'He won't hear us if we move carefully.'


That night we sat in Sir Henry's room and waited.At about three o'clock in the morning we heard the sound of footsteps outside the bedroom.We looked out and saw Barrymore.We followed him as quietly as we could.He went into the same room as before.We reached the door and looked in.There was Barrymore,with the light in his hand,looking out across the moor,exactly as I had seen him on the night before.


Sir Henry walked into the room and said:'What are you do ing here,Barrymore?'

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Barrymore turned round quickly,surprise and horror on his face.


'Nothing,Sir,'he said.The shadows on the wall from his light were jumping up and down as his hand shook.'It was the window,sir.I go round at night to see that they are closed,and this one wasn't shut.'


'Come now,Barrymore,'said Sir Henry.'No lies.What were you doing with that light?You were holding it up to the window.'


I suddenly had an idea.'I think he was sending a message,' I said.'Let's see if there's an answer from someone on the moor.'


I held the light up to the window,and looked out into the darkness.Suddenly a light answered from the moor.


'There it is,'I cried.I waved my light backwards and for wards across the window.The light on the moor answered by moving in the same way.wow power leveling


'Now,Barrymore,who is your friend on the moor?What's going on?'


'That's my business,'said Barrymore,'I won't tell you.'


'Are you making some criminal plan against me?'Sir Henry said.


'No,it's nothing against you,sir,'said a voice behind us.It was Mrs Barrymore.She had followed us and was standing at the door.'He's doing it for me.My unhappy brother is cold and hungry on the moor.We cannot let him die.Our light is to tell him that food is ready for him.His light shows us where to take it.'


'Then your brother is…'began Sir Henry.


'The escaped prisoner,sir.Selden,the murderer.He is my younger brother.He has done evil things,but to me he is still the little boy I loved and cared for.I had to help him.Every thing my husband has done has been for me.Please don't take his job from him.It's not his fault.'


Sir Henry turned to Barrymore and said:


'I cannot blame you for helping your wife.Go to bed,and we'll talk about this in the morning.'


The Barrymores left us.maple story mesos,


'The murderer is waiting out there by that light,' said Sir Henry.'He's a danger to everyone.I'm going to catch him.If you want to come with me,Watson,fetch your revolver and let's go.'


We left the Hall immediately.


'We must surprise him and catch him.'said Sir Henry.'He's a dangerous man.Now,Watson,what would Holmes say about this?Do you remember what the old papers said? They said the Devil does his work when the world is dark.'


The Escaped Prisoner


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Man ur a puss if u thik those lights are too dark. They actually need another coat. And when iu brake u can clearly see the brake light only a complete morons rear endds someone. Silver si`s blow they are seen all over. frackin mini van has them. Ohh and cuttin exhaust sounds great. Not even loud it humsssss! Anyways tranny gave out this morning but a guy offered me his 240 anyways. Think ill go with that. I mean headers.exhaust.rims.aallredi standard.dual. shii its a steal!

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Man ur a puss if u thik those lights are too dark. They actually need another coat. And when iu brake u can clearly see the brake light only a complete morons rear endds someone. Silver si`s blow they are seen all over. frackin mini van has them. Ohh and cuttin exhaust sounds great. Not even loud it humsssss! Anyways tranny gave out this morning but a guy offered me his 240 anyways. Think ill go with that. I mean headers.exhaust.rims.aallredi standard.dual. shii its a steal!

Sound like to me u beat the piss out of that car, and ran it like it was crap.. Cutting exhaust is super getto. i would of laugh my ass off if u were riding around like that..

back pressure is good having rest of your exhaust it good.. no exhaust no back pressure is bad and Something a ricer would do.. ARE YOU THAT RICER?

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You certainly are not going to make any friends with a crapty attitude like that. Calling someone a puss because they point out the illegality of your taillights. I think you need to grow up, say 10 years worth and then you will be allowed to speak.


Fact: Blackened/clear tail lights with no visible red spot in a rear ending accident the person with the blacked/cleared out tail lights is always at fault. It is an established court case: in all situations a tail light must present a decidedly red coloration when the brakes are applied and when the brakes are not applied. Otherwise your car presents no standardized point of reference.

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if you were in south carolina it would be okay.. stupid sc rules are whoever hits the person in the rear is at fault.. even if the person cuts in front of you to make a right hand turn when they were in the left lane..




ryan knows this to be true



if the cop knows its the other person's fault most he can really do is not give anyone a ticket and it be everyone fixes their own car




but you will get pulled for those lights.. friend has a scion with some dark ass tails.. got pulled for them

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in my case if i was the officer to respond to such a icident my ticket would go to angel. even tho idk why a guy name is angel but its new to me kinda neat actually... but hes tails are so bad should of left them stuck also i would of wrote him a ticket for his exhaust

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