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New Sol Pix!!


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Who the f*ck clicks links without checking the address on the bottom of the screen in that little bar?


Old ass smouch FTL. DAMN YOU GINGER DAYWALKER ######.

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Sorry guys no harm meant, it was all in good fun. and I wont be posting any more of these up so if there's a link dont worry about it...Plus all the pix etc. I put in my build thread.

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Cold, dude, very cold.


I try exiting three times, had to click through all the lyrics, then hit the Cancel option on accident.







LOl that sux dude haha. but at least you go to see a 'sick' music vid!

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yeah this one got me pretty good. i used to make a habbit of checking the link since my friedns where constantly doing the wowomg.com and lemon party thing, but i've gotten out of the habbit. this was harmless and made me lol. i need to use it now

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