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What're you guys doing for your dad on Father's day?


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I just broke down and took mine to a nice ass steakhouse and got him set up with a cell phone account under my name. Then got him a couple movies..


Yea. Even let him drive my car LOL. He enjoyed that the most, I think. Powershifting old codger!

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Haha, I guess? The parents still paid for it, ha.




I think I spoiled my dad this year. Then again, he helped me getting the extra money down on this car sooo..


It was nice to return the favor. :)


nice you guys!


My sisters and I are taking him out to lunch and getting him something for massaging for his back! :)



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i gave mine a polo shirt, then jumped in the shower to head off to brunch with my boy.

yeah... my dad's lucky he even got that much. heh.


my boy got a thigh holster and 2 clips of ammo from his god-son though. lol.

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i gave mine a polo shirt, then jumped in the shower to head off to brunch with my boy.

yeah... my dad's lucky he even got that much. heh.


why? he sounds nicer than you say I think...I don't know you and him but he tried to get you a car and when you didn't like it, he traded it with another car! he is trying to do something nice for you! I would appreciate that and thank him :) again I don't know you or him so I'm not trying to get in the middle...

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I just broke down and took mine to a nice ass steakhouse and got him set up with a cell phone account under my name. Then got him a couple movies..


Yea. Even let him drive my car LOL. He enjoyed that the most, I think. Powershifting old codger!


lol the first time my dad drove my car, he said it flies and is hard to control...true...it's not too stable...that's why I had plans to change suspension and lower it...

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gangster little god son.

more like redneck. lol.


why? he sounds nicer than you say I think...I don't know you and him but he tried to get you a car and when you didn't like it, he traded it with another car! he is trying to do something nice for you! I would appreciate that and thank him again I don't know you or him so I'm not trying to get in the middle...

my dad have a very very bad relationship. we pretty much hate each other with a passion and only do anything for the other if someone gives us a kick up the backside to do it. its unfortunate, and i always wanted to be his little girl, but im at the age now where i dont really care anymore. my sister can have him.

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When my Dad drove my car, and he was just backing it up, he was like "holy hell, how do you drive that monster?!" The clutch just grabs and it jolted, haha. He drove my Trans Am a lot before though, he loved it, I know it, because I rode with him once and he stomped it around a corner.


My Mom drove my car once and filled it with 87. Ha.

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When my Dad drove my car, and he was just backing it up, he was like "holy hell, how do you drive that monster?!" The clutch just grabs and it jolted, haha. He drove my Trans Am a lot before though, he loved it, I know it, because I rode with him once and he stomped it around a corner.


My Mom drove my car once and filled it with 87. Ha.


Haha. Dude that tinted my windows tried driving my EJ6 into his shop..


I watched him. He stalled four times before revving the crap out of it and easing off of the clutch and ended up blasting into the shop.


Trans Am is pretty easy to drive..then again, I have OEM clutch.

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more like redneck. lol.

my dad have a very very bad relationship. we pretty much hate each other with a passion and only do anything for the other if someone gives us a kick up the backside to do it. its unfortunate, and i always wanted to be his little girl, but im at the age now where i dont really care anymore. my sister can have him.


don't give up! I can see that he is still trying to work at you guys' relationship...he was trying to do something nice for you with the whole car buying thing...see, if you continuously not like what a man does for you and complain, even though he keeps trying to make u happy, he will give up eventually and just not try anymore! correct me you guys if I'm wrong...but that's my understanding of men...Men are different and women are different...


appreciate what he does for you and thank him and little by little you two will have a better relationship :) focus on the good stuff of his and do nice things for him too :) he is your dad and in life, family is what you got most of the time!


I'm not saying I'm an expert at relationships, but hey, I made my parents sit and talked to them for a long time when they were about to get a divorce (I was 20 years old then)...they are started to work at it and they are much happier and spend a lot of time with eachother going out and having fun and they went to Europe (I see that as a second honeymoon) and they always go out and take weekend vacations with relatives or by themselves :)

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sorry...parents not getting along is one of the worst things! I hated it back then...


e-hug to you :)


-E-hug graciously accepted.-


Yeeeeep. I've never bonded with any of my stepfathers, either. Dad will never be replaced, no matter what kind of flaws he has. He has issues with alcohol and I do believe that's why my mom left him. He's never re-married, unlike my mom. He's my favorite between the two.

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Me and my dad seem to have these competitions.. He gave me 150 bucks at my last birthday and I'm 19. The number grows with every year, it's craziness. He's not all that well to do, either. He does what he can though.

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