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Work Rant


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Alright so we hired 3 new guys here...and well they are the worst employee's ever, one guy is a gas station owner so yes he has a rag on his head, and keeps asking question after question and I cant get anything done.....the next guy Dan isnt that bad he keeps to himself just asks normal questions like logins for lenders and what not, and well third this guy tony...oh my god...this guy is the biggest douche bag ever...I swear his closet consists of hawaiian shirts and skin tight shirts....and he hits on every female rep that comes in here that i've done business with...well one he's married, and two its not how we establish a business relationship...and he has that attittude "im the coolest kid on the block" type thing ya know...i don't know, and all of them dont know anything about being a loan officer and they been doing this for 2+ years....i wish my bro never hired them....oh yea theres another guy named Tom...this guy is the prime example of a premium Bull-s#@$!? seriously thats all he does and I have to cover for him when his customers call and say that well I don't think he knew what he was talking about can you please explain my loan scenario to me a little clearer.....god...i just need a freakin VaCa :crazy:

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working for omeone else - ftl


work at home and own my own business - ftw


I ran a shop and did my own hiring and such for several years. It's rough to find decent help. Aside from a 10 minute interview and a sheet of paper that they hand to you there is nothing you can do before hand to know if the person is going to be a decent or dookie.


Good luck to you with that mess.

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sucks...hope these people get it together...


well, if people are hired under probabtion (like 2 months probation where the employer evaluates them and decides to hire them or not) maybe they do better?


if it helps, I have to sit with a bunch of men over 40 and 50's and discuss projects...be bored behind my desk and not see new people or the sunlight everyday...

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oh man, i have to sit with these dips every friday to discuss how files need to be closed and processed....everyday its more and more hectic on me, i really love my job, but working with people like these just make me wonder.

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I'll inform you right now so that you no longer have to wonder....it sucks more everywhere else.


You know that saying....the grass is greener on the other side....what they didn't tell you it that the reason it is greener is cause of all the sh1t fertilizing it.

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that's why I'm trying to work a few years and start my own thing so I don't ever have to work for someone else and put up with people who discuss outside life during work and when it comes time to leave and get out, they realize "we need to get some work done!"


yes to no 6:30-3:30 until retirement! :D

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Well my goal is to retire at 35...and so far its looking alright, not too shabby...but i dont think i could ever not work..it would be boring to sit at home ya know...although traveling would be an option, im pretty sure that gets boring itself ya know

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lol if I retired now, I would not be bored ever until forever! It doesn't have to be travelling only...there are a million hobbies and million things that we don't know about...million sports and marathons and maybe it's the nerd in me, books are awesome too!


plus, you wouldn't have to stop working completely...investing is time-consuming too :) oh and don't forget reproduction and parenthood until they are 40! lol jk

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Well my goal is to retire at 35...and so far its looking alright, not too shabby...but i dont think i could ever not work..it would be boring to sit at home ya know...although traveling would be an option, im pretty sure that gets boring itself ya know


That is exactly my plan. Retirment at 35. If I don't have the funds to do it then I go for the shotgun method: liquidate everything I do have and buy lottery tickets with my liquified net worth.

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That is exactly my plan. Retirment at 35. If I don't have the funds to do it then I go for the shotgun method: liquidate everything I do have and buy lottery tickets with my liquified net worth.


you serious? you would gamble all you have worked for? stocks (not suggesting it's a good idea to buy stocks, especially in this sh*tty economy) or some other things would be better (chance wise) than the lottery IMO

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LoL, you might as well invest into stocks then...thats worse then shotgun lol...you can watch your life completely diminish with all your assets invested into one stock or you can see it make you a multi millionaire lol

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i actually came up with something thanks to my niece....its a way to remove permanant marker off anything...its actually funny how i found out how to remove it....

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aha, ideas just pop up because of certain triggers...


or accidents and such are common ways of coming up with new products...


I have had ideas but I haven't acted on them because they haven't been "the right ones"...lol


so how come you are not making this product and selling it?

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I myself am working on a design for a new and improved pizza box...


I figure about 10 million pizzas are sold every day. 5 mil are delivery. 3mil are large. If only 1/4 of the pizzas delivered use my design (since mom-and-pops use the cheapest white paper boxes) that should make for about 750,000 pizzas a day that are eligible for using my box design. With a royalty of even as low as 1/4 of a penny that would still be $1875 a day in royalties. :)

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haha nice a new pizza box...yea i seem to not like those paper mashae wraps or cheap boxes that leak/ drip grease...especially when you have them sit on your car seat or on your lap lol

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i actually came up with something thanks to my niece....its a way to remove permanant marker off anything...its actually funny how i found out how to remove it....


It's called the magic eraser :p

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