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f*ck thieves...


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...and no, my car was not stolen, but it was broken into. My Alpine CDA-9856 Headunit, Alpine KCE-422i iPod Cable, and 30GB iPod Video are gone. My passenger door has chips and scrapes and my dash around the headunit is fracked up a little. Cops came and dusted the car for prints, all they found were smudges and a partial shoe print. And to think, I was only inside the restuarant for 30 minutes. Calling the insurance company tomorrow and cleaning out the garage this weekend. The coupe should be sold this week, so I will be looking for a new car and just weekend my EH2 for a bit. Pictures tomorrow if I am up for it and if the dusting is still there. f*ck thieves.

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I hate a damn thief.


I keep my car on lockdown @ ALL times.


Edit -- be happy the car is still there. They may come back for round two.

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It really didn't bother me as much as I thought, until found out that it was not a clean "in and out" job. When the cop showed me the markings around the door handle and I saw the dash, I flipped out a bit. But yeah, I'm about $600 out in posessions and probably a couple hundred in damages.

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why would they come back for round two if they got what they wanted? Well I guess they could come back for the whole package.


wasn't your headunit a detatchable face? i hope you didn't have your ipod visible.. I never EVER leave anything valuable visible. I even throw my sneakers in the trunk.

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Don't feel bad. I never used my detachable faceplate on ANY of the Alpine products I used to own.


And, yea; TL. I'm getting at them coming back for the car. It's happened twice here.

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That sucks dude. Well at least they didnt take your car and leave you stranded. I couldnt imagine coming out of a place and my car being gone. I thought that did happen to me one time though. Sorta forgot where I parked @ the mall. Man was that a scare.

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That sucks dude. Well at least they didnt take your car and leave you stranded. I couldnt imagine coming out of a place and my car being gone. I thought that did happen to me one time though. Sorta forgot where I parked @ the mall. Man was that a scare.


That was dumb.

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That sucks big time dude, but on a happy note I did just buy a 30GB iPod video for pretty cheap off some shady lookin dude. But then again half of Walmart's employees look shady.

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That makes me really paranoid about putting that in. Dan (90IntegraC1) and I almost put it in the other week, glad I didn't. Well, depends on when the coupe gets sold and what I get next, I shouldn't have a problem using the DVD player or I may not need it, but most likely it will be installed. Hopefully everything works out as planned.

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Mehh, its not a big deal to me anymore.

But I'll pay you an extra grand to put in a d16z6.


Pisses me the f*ck off knowing that 2 of my close friends' hondas were broken into....


We all need alarms installed asap.

Who else?

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Harry you can get a Z6 for $500....and it's a simple swap into those cars, so me, you, and matt could get that in there no problem...


Mike B. got his car broken into and his Jeff Evans tuned ECU was stolen...and i believe his snap-on tools were taken as well.

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Sorry to hear it...


I always take my iPod out whenever I'm not in the car, just in case. I love that the del Sol has the piece that blocks the headunit from being visible as well, so that's always flipped up when I'm not in the car.

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thieves suck,i had the mag wheels(with new tires) stolen off my pontiac a few years ago.they knew what they wanted and walked past my 67 mustang that was parked behind it in the driveway,jacked it up,and left it on blocks...brass balls.worst thing was i was between jobs at the time.

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thieves suck,i had the mag wheels(with new tires) stolen off my pontiac a few years ago.they knew what they wanted and walked past my 67 mustang that was parked behind it in the driveway,jacked it up,and left it on blocks...brass balls.worst thing was i was between jobs at the time.


Ouch. You don't see my pride and joy, at all. It's in what was originally just a covered-top car port, that I bought sheetmetal for (thank god I do heating and air). Covered the sides, made a door for the front of it, and locked that crap down.

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