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Status Updates posted by Sapphyre

  1. omfg. please hide them from me. i can't stop eating the snickers icecream bars I've had a craving for since yesterday.

  2. Watching a show about racing thoroughbreds. It makes me miss working the yards. What I wouldn't give to work w/ horses again

  3. cuddles with the wolfy!!!

  4. Dear Netflix instant,i think you're soon to run out of decent dramas and comedies for me to watch while laid up on this sofa. why do you stream mostly b-list, or years old movies & tv shows?! gah!sincerely,me.

  5. "Obviously doctor, you've never been a thirteen year old girl."

  6. ok. since no one wants to feed me, can you at least give me suggestions of things to watch on netflix instant? I'm borrrrrrred!!!

  7. dammit. i need a new cordless phone for my vonage line. the battery wont hold a charge anymore.

  8. that's some serious love. I don't think I'm allowed to ever doubt G again. he's got a stronger stomach than I. but at least all of the physical infections gone!

  9. grr. i dont want to go to urgent care dammit. but he's probably right.

  10. I fracking hate doing inventory! Screw you regis. Why do you make me do one of our major product lines the same week as sale week?!

  11. All of these tweets make me sick. He may have been a terrorist, but this uncouth lack of finesse & diplomacy is exactly why ppl hate the US.

  12. Is it bad that I've already started drinking & I'm not even at the bbq yet?

  13. I desperately need a new sports bra. One that doesn't cost a ridiculous price & actually supports something bigger than a c-cup. Any recommendations, ladies?

  14. My boobs are cold!!!!! frack NC & its stupid weather.. At least we don't have a blizzard warning effect tho. I'm freezing!

  15. so... is there anything going on tonight? I'm not really in the mood to sit around at home right now.

  16. looking at photos and articles of the royal wedding on the daily mail... weddings always make me choke up and cry. Kate's dress is GORGEOUS and pretty much what I expected from her. & While everyone else in the salon said they'd put money on her having her hair up, I nailed it by saying it wouldn't be any different from her usual look. :-P Now, I can't wait to see Zara's wedding in July!

  17. omg. I'm shocked! Our muzak station is actually playing weezer?! I mean, its from the green album but still! Weezer?! Yayayayayay!

  18. watching the runaways. my hair needs to growwwwwww. nowwwwww. I miss having my joan jett hairstyle.

  19. considering I've never even *looked* at broccoli rabe before, let alone actually prepared it, that was a damn good, hella cheap meal & one to stay in the recipe box for future use. maybe I'll throw some feta in it next time.

  20. I'm bored. anyone on google chat?

  21. i'm really trying to find the motivation to do a workout... but i really just want to curl up and sleep... anxiety makes me exhausted.

  22. I'm thinking of two words. one starts with F. the other starts with Y. it perfectly sums up how I feel lately.

  23. Someone pls remind me why I even bothered getting out of bed today? Everything is going wrong.

  24. I'm sad. Brunch was cancelled. That's the only part of Easter I was looking forward to... you know, since I don't celebrate Zombies and stuff.

  25. I really hate cleaning. Esp when it seems like I'm the only one who ever really does it. :-(

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