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Status Updates posted by Sapphyre

  1. gaaaaaaah! so annoyed. blackberry's battery is dead & won't charge. It'll be tomorrow before i can get a new one! how will I survive?!

  2. Getting gas is one thing that really pisses me off. People are rude assholes about the pumps. How about a nice hot cup of go frack yourself?

  3. seriously jealous of everyone at mayhem today. I wish I couldve gone. :-(

  4. some people really need to get off their high horse & stop being so up themselves.

  5. Harrison Ford might be 69 years old and married to Calista Flockhart, but I wouldn't turn him down if he asked me to dinner...

  6. Fresh Market =

  7. is there anyone on Pinterest.com that I'm not already following? It's safe to say that I'm slightly addicted...

  8. considering going out to wilmington for the day tomorrow. I don't want to sit on the beach tho. Anyone want to meet up for lunch or dinner if I do decide to go?

  9. Had dinner at Sparians tonight. It wasn't exactly great... they forgot our appetizer & messed my dad's order up twice. At least they covered themselves by comping the meal & gave us passes for free bowling. and we still have a $40 groupon for dinner sometime.

  10. apparently my attraction to very masculine men with a rug for chest hair stems from a childhood memory... Who knew?

  11. Totally rocking the hot pink lipstick I bought back in highschool. Its an amazing color. Why don't I wear it more often?!

  12. (reposted via Celebration Cara) :: be kinder than necessary - for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle ::

  13. um thnx McD's. coz when I order my grilled chicken club with no mayo, i totally want extra mayo instead. its kind of hard to eat this thing bunless w/ mayo all over it..

  14. Is anyone actually surprised by Amy Winehouse's death? I mean She's been off the rails most of her life and her relationship with Blake didn't exactly help matters. Perhaps her niece will be smart enough not to follow the road Amy went down.

    1. Raley


      im suprised she lasted as long as she did, is that what you mean?

  15. it was so much easier to tolerate you when you were an alcoholic. i had an excuse for your asshole behaviour. now i realise, you're just an asshole.

  16. *deleted* that's one less over compensating, pain in the ass "Friend" that I have to deal with anymore.

  17. thanks to everyone for their concern and well wishes for Gorden Lake McGregor last night. we got home around 4am after it turned out to be severe heat exhaustion/stroke & dehydration. Make sure ya'll stay safe out in the sun this weekend.

  18. this place is absolutely freezing!!! I can't seem to get warm at all. just taken G back for the catscan. we'll know the results soon I hope.

  19. Some doctor on tv this morning said the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So I looked around my house to see things I'd started & hadn't finished, then I finished off a bottle of Vodka, a bodle of Baileys, a botle of wum, a pock of Prungles, 1/2 chesecke an a boc a choclez. Yu haf no idr how bludy fablus I feeel now. Plaese sned dhis orn to dem yu fee ar in ned ov iennr pceae...

  20. I need a new life. A new job, new friends and a new city. I'm sick of this place.

  21. the general population are fracking morons and cowards.

  22. Seriously, I'm starting to get desperate. Do ANY of you have any Gluten & Dairy Free recipes? I'm really getting tired of grilled chicken & steamed veg/salad...

  23. woohoo! 95 on my bartending midterm. now if only i can manage to pull it out for the final next friday, then we're all good. back to studying tomorrow i guess.

  24. this diet is making me grumpy. i want real food dammit.

  25. Got out of class early. I'm seriously wondering wtf I've wasted $500 for- the teacher seems thoroughly uninterested in anything we're doing. But at least I'm home before the storm hit. Even if the school is within walking distance of my apartment. Time to study? perhaps. Later. maybe. I'm sick of studying.

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