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Status Updates posted by Sapphyre

  1. so. I got a pair of OAR tickets up for grabs. concert's at the downtown amphetheatre on thurs night.

  2. where can I find good vegan & gluten free restaurants (specifically pizza) in the triangle?

  3. Hey people! I need some recipe ideas for starting a 3 week detox diet tomorrow. I can only have veggies, probiotic yoghurts only, protein (fresh chicken, beef etc.), non-glutenous grains (wild rice, quinoa), & herbal teas. I cannot have fruits, anything processed, no cheese, alcohol, preservatives, caffeine, gluten, mushrooms, sugars, condiments, vinegar or certain oils.So, any suggestions?

  4. You know what's really obnoxious? When you blast music out of your car while pumping gas. No one else wants to know what you listen to!

  5. why is it so freaking difficult to find a simple, pretty, black sundress? I don't want a goddamn cocktail dress or structured business dress!

  6. Screw you CFCU. You didn't even call to see if there had been fraudulent activity on my card, you just blocked it and sent out a new one then sent me an email stating that you'd done so. There wasn't fraudulent activity. All the charges on the account were made by me. You'd have known this if you'd bothered calling to ask me. Now I have the hassle of changing all of my bill payments to the new card. Screw. You.

  7. Am I really the only person who doesn't particularly care about the Casey Anthony trial?

  8. Why the hell are we even open today?! Who the frack gets their hair done on the 4th of july?! Craziness.

  9. 'm thoroughly disappointed. frato just sang bsb... n*sync were 100x's more awesome!

  10. I could never be a karaoke dj. I think I'd stab people who sung off key.

  11. note to self: do not eat, or consider eating whilst watching harpers island unless you wish to revisit your snack immediately.

  12. ack! does anyone have hbo on demand that i can borrow for a day? I'd really like to see this seasons episodes of true blood but apparently tv duck isn't streaming them anymore.

  13. Anyone have a yard I could borrow for a mini-yard sale? Or a neighborhood sale coming up? I really don't want to deal w/ craigslist.

  14. Dear Whole Foods North Raleigh, I am terribly disappointed in your lemon cupcake that I purchased this afternoon for nearly $4. It's nothing but a yellow cake with vanilla buttercream. the only lemon flavor comes from the lemon curd injected into the center of the cake. I expected a lemon cupcake meaning lemon cake, lemon buttercream and lemon curd. Thanks,A slightly annoyed customer.

  15. I know I'm supposed to be organizing & cleaning the apt today but part of me wishes to eat whimsical cupcakes & go on an adventure downtown.

  16. How the hell can food lion be sold out of ramen noodles?! Really?!

  17. Holy hell... Rain is coming down sideways & so hard I can't even see across the parking lot. Hurricane anyone?

  18. I love free food. especially when it's a gyro from baba ghannouj! I have an awesome manager. lol

  19. screw sleeping. putting together mixtapes are way more fun.

  20. trying to control the urge to DVR "Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids"... must. control. wedding show. obsession...

  21. omfg. I thought he was pathological when we were together but they really do need to take him off to the funny farm now...

  22. I ♥ beauty and the beast. Best movie ever.

  23. I have ZERO motivation today. and I'm still pissed that he would even have the audacity to show his face on my side of town.

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