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how many del sols are left


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I wonder how many del sols are left in the united states since they didnt make that many to big with does anyone have any ideas i dont know why i thought of this but figured i might get some answers

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Well, 74,936 were sold in the US... After all the ones that've been wrecked... I'd be surprised if there are more than 50,000 still running.

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First, keyboards come equipped with 104 keys for a reason. Learn to use punctuation and more people will respond to your posts.


Second, ~75000 Del Sols were shipped to the United States in all of the configurations over the 5 years they were available. There are a lot more of them on the road then you would think. Asking how many are left is an impossible question to answer given limited resources to base my response on. I can conjecture that better then 1/2 are still rolling but my guess is only worth the paper it is written on.

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Well listen if you find it to hard to understand when I dont punctuate you don't have to read or respond.( here ill put a period to show you i finished that sentence) Also it was just something to think about not a I want an absolute answer question. I didn't know if anyone had any idea or not, by reading say an article some where else or what have you. I'm sorry for not punctuating my threads well for those who have a hard time with it. I figure when I am not in college, and writing something informal that I can get away with writing as one would on aim and other sites and blogs

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Well listen if you find it to hard to understand when I dont punctuate you don't have to read or respond.( here ill put a period to show you i finished that sentence) Also it was just something to think about not a I want an absolute answer question. I didn't know if anyone had any idea or not, by reading say an article some where else or what have you. I'm sorry for not punctuating my threads well for those who have a hard time with it. I figure when I am not in college, and writing something informal that I can get away with writing as one would on aim and other sites and blogs

you thought wrong, all your internets are belong to us. mwahhahhahha





do what i do, hit enter after every sentence, super easy to read.

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lol i just didnt think it was that big of a deal to be honest i havent got on here and bashed anyone for anything so i dont see the why others would car to do it to me if you want to crap talk or what have you buy a 360 and a months subscription of xbox live and have at it imho

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^^ Please don't do that.


The reason we give you crap is because it is an informal website, but one giant block of text is difficult to understand. If nothing else hit the enter key between thoughts. When people make posts with a wall of text most people just skip reading it, let alone post in the thread. I generally ignore those posts because they are usually the work of immature kids trying to be cool or forum trolls looking to cause trouble.


No one is hating, just trying to prompt you to post in such a way that you will get the most positive responses to your questions and comments.

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lol i just didnt think it was that big of a deal to be honest i havent got on here and bashed anyone for anything so i dont see the why others would car to do it to me if you want to crap talk or what have you buy a 360 and a months subscription of xbox live and have at it imho

run-on sentences are annoying to muddle through. you wouldnt like it if you had to do it. we're just saying dont make us do it either.


that being said, do what you want. its the internet.

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