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Which mounts for GSR swap into eg?


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I work at a junkyard. I bought a wrecked 97 GSR teg and am planning a full axle to axle swap ito my 95 civic hatch. Two of the teg's mounts are busted. Can I use mounts from a 91 or 92 Integra? I have access to those for free. If not, is there a list of vehichles with useable mounts somewhere? Is it any b-series? Thanks in advance.

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hasport.com= $450

Smitty's Auto Parts= FREE


and as far as "which ones are broken", I'm not entirely sure.

I know this one is for sure



That 91 Teg has all of them in good shape. Could I use those?

I think we also have a 94 teg LS. How about those ones?

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i removed mine like that... but it was because they were in the way of intercooler piping, on that particular side... and in the way of my dump tube on the other... and im quite fine.


anyways, the teg ls should have the same ones... the ones on the '91 im not sure (still a b series) but probably wont work because its a different chassis... when i did my b18c into del sol swap i used the integra ones but i had to modify them sightly as i recall... just some extra tab for alignment i think

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