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Forza 2


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Who got it?


I neverrrr play video games but I got this with a gift card


Pretty cool game


I'll try to upload some pics I took if I can figure it out


Sweet cars so far:

451hp 6 speed SRT-4, no traction to 110 w/o traction control :pirate: (looks identical to mine, except slammed)

290 hp all motor Mugen RSX

311 hp R33 Skyline



I'm bored

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I pwn noobs at this game. So fun. Here's some of my pics.






I used to have a sweet ass GNX, sold it this morning for $150k. The car itself was spongebob.





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I just got it yesterday, at it f*cking rocks. I got abunch of cars. I have a pretty sick NSX, but I am trying to save CR right now. But soon I will have the game stomped. Cant wait to get off of work to play it. :thumbsup:

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sebjames whats your gamertag i wanna play online tonight.


im going to rent Forza 2 in a little bit because i have a big sheet of free rentals when you buy a game system... i should have gotten like 4 sheets though.

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I bought the game, played it for an hour, and havent touched it since....I still prefer the Gran Turismo HD....its 10x better and looks godly....sucks that it isnt a finished product yet

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Yea Grand Turismo HD isnt out, but the Beta still blows forza out the water...


customization is cool n all, but still its really about the game play for me

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damn that borat thing is coooooool..


my brother lost the garage door opener for the parking garage so i cant drive to the store.


i walked today.. first time i have walked to get somewhere in a really long time.

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