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Work = Drama (Rant)

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As some of you know, I work at Mercedes Benz with Dan, 90IntegraC1. Last month our dealership was bought out and there were a lot of lay offs, which means we have been "man down" for a month. There are car washers and detailers, I am a car washer. Currently there are two full time people, including myself, and three part timers; the other full time guy and I work around 9:00am-5:00pm, one part time guy works 8:00am-1:00pm and the other two work 2:00pm-8:00pm. There used to be three or four additional car washers, so we are hurting back there, pretty much working for two people. We only get paid $9.00 a hour, for thi area, it is the average starting rate. We watch detailers, especially our boss, take their merry time on cars and relax a good bit; this does not include Dan. We don't even get to take a lunch break. If we stand around for a few minutes, we get yelled at, when detailers do it all day. The majority of the car washers don't even take smoke breaks, so we literally are non-stop eight hours. It is frustrating enough as is. Now that you got the background details, onto the drama from today.


Today I went in to work at 7:30am to get some things done for the rest of the week, which neede to be done for us to operate well. The day was going fine, it wasn't too busy, but still was pretty much non-stop work. Around 2:45pm, around 45 minutes before I was finished for the day, I was drying a car, minding my own business, when my co-worker Joe called me over. I dropped my chamois and walked over. He said "they" wanted to talk to me around the corner, in the wash bays. I thought it was wierd, but figured it was Dan or someone I am friends with needing to talk, so I walk around the corner. As soon as I do so, my boss jumps out with a power washer in hand and sprays me with a constant beam for a few seconds from about three feet away. This was literally two minutes before I saw him sitting in the back corner in a chair with his feet up, while us car washers are working our asses off without breaks. When he stopped, I was obviously soaking wet, I walked out the door and went home. I came back, because I told Jaime, lowcivex, that I would wash it for him. The entire time I was washing and drying my car, my boss avoided talking to me, so when I was just about done, I confronted him about the situation. This is about how the conversation went.

I am not going to be in tomorrow.

Are you quitting?

No, I just won't be in tomorrow.

Oh, so you will work Saturday. (I knew he was going to say this from the start, he always does.)

No, I can't.

Well then, you have to be on time everyday next week.

(I just about laughed out loud right there.) Okay, I can do that, but you don't have much room to talk.

(He is looking puzzled.) What?

You messed up, you are the boss, you are supposed to be setting the bar, not acting childish. What if I went upstairs and told Carlos (the new owner) that you were spraying your employees with the power washers?

Let me call Fred (his boss).

How about we talk to him face to face?

Let's go.

(On the way to the stair well.) I really don't want to do this and get you in trouble, I'm trying to work this out with you down here.

We continued walking and caught up with Fred. I told him what happened and he wasn't sure what to do, my boss had nothing to say for himself, except he shouldn't have done it. It was pretty pathetic, because if anything, he should have tried not to get it to go upstairs. I don't know if he thinks that I am going to get in trouble or what, but I did nothing wrong and he is 100% at fault. He is a little slow, he is like 40 years old, three teeth, and works as a detailer. Pathetic. Now tomorrow I decided I will go in and work, but if he starts harassing me and giving me crap, I am going upstairs, telling upper management that I am going home for the weekend and to call me when they get this situation under control, because it's bullcrap. I know they can't fire me, because I did nothing wrong and if they do, I will be bringing them to court for false termination. I know he went upstairs and cried to Fred when I left, because I saw him walking toward his office when I was getting a drink of water.


Sorry for the long ass thread, but damn it makes me angry. I definetly want to keep my job or atleast have another one lined up right away, because I plan on getting this loan by next weekend so I can start building my car, but I can't if don't have a job. As I said, I know I'm not going to get fired, but still. I could hate my job even more now because of him or something. I knew from the start putting this guy in charge was a bad idea, he was always a bit immature in my eyes and very incompitent of handling the entire department, he could barely handle doing night shift management and Saturdays. He smokes and is on the phone a good amount of the day. Hell, we never gave him crap when he was just the night manager and he would disappear in the closet and talk on the phone for hours on end. Rediculous. He brought his "girl friend" or whatever you want to call it, in on a Saturday and was making out with her in the smoking area, appropriate, not. Terrible boss, can't even go up to the person he did wrong to and appologize or give him their pay check. Supposedly when I left, he went up to my friend Brian and said something cocky about how he just did that, but when he was ignored, he sort of got a embarassed look. I love when "power" gets to people.


What do you think about the situation? What should I do? What would you have done?

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Incompetent employers/managers blow.


Moral of story - Don't work for Mercedes in any way, shape or form, LOL.


That blows, dude. But, don't feel bad. At least you weren't working on top of a three story diesel repair building on memorial day trying to figure out why two blowers on a 10-ton downdraft Trane package unit weren't working.

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I used to love working there, until the new owners took over and we were short handed. I don't mind the new owners, nothing has really changed except we aren't allowed overtime anymore, but more of the fact that the car washers were screwed the hardest out of everyone. We get paid the less, do the most work, and get the most crap.


I don't feel bad or sad or anything, just pissed. I just want to get this loan out already and start with my car, but this right here is killing it now, f*ck.

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True, true. You guys need to go on strike..just make sure you do so after you have something else lined up LOL.


I'd have already cussed every single one of my employers out while on the way out of the door.. if I were in your shoes.

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Hmmmm.... Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah! From every private and specialist in the Army. Welcome to the pancreas of society dude. The underpaid and under appreciated, over worked beast of burden that can't get a frackin break. I feel you, but at least you can take it up the chain. As long as I'm not given an illegal order, I can't do crap about how the people above me treat me. And they like to treat me like crap, as in I got to work at 0645 this morning, and I just got off work about 15 minutes ago, 4 hours after everyone else in my section went home. Just cuz I walked past the wrong person. Take it as a grain of salt, and then crap it out. Cuz you know that he's got it coming to him. Karma, my friend, is the uber bitch.

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Hmmmm.... Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah! From every private and specialist in the Army. Welcome to the pancreas of society dude. The underpaid and under appreciated, over worked beast of burden that can't get a frackin break. I feel you, but at least you can take it up the chain. As long as I'm not given an illegal order, I can't do crap about how the people above me treat me. And they like to treat me like crap, as in I got to work at 0645 this morning, and I just got off work about 15 minutes ago, 4 hours after everyone else in my section went home. Just cuz I walked past the wrong person. Take it as a grain of salt, and then crap it out. Cuz you know that he's got it coming to him. Karma, my friend, is the uber bitch.


Yeah man, I understand that. The less you work, the more money you make, that's life. But it's just rediculous with this situation. Had I signed up to work for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, etc., I would have expected to get a lot of crap. This just frustrates me for it being a high end dealership. Then again...




Haha, I kid.

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situtation sucks...your boss is very immature and doesn't deserve his position! I'm sorry this is happening to you...I want your car to be worked on by you also!


I wouldn't have taken the crap...if I got sprayed like that by my boss, I would have just walked up to the new owner and tried to be as calm as possible and explain the situation...your boss should get fired for all the things you mentioned! It would be hilarious if it was joking around with friends and spraying eachother outside of work, but when it's the boss doing this, it is not ok at all!


you know what though...it sounds like your boss is trying to frustrate you for you to quit! They can't fire you!


do you and your boss get along well the rest of the time?

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