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new seats!!


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no dude they are crap. my buddy had has'em on his 95 teg and they are crap...dont get me wrong they are good lookin but they would rock back and forth (the top half), stitching was comin apart and that was b4 he insalled them...he sold the car now but i wouldnt get'em. save for some better ones :thumbsup:


ohh and the sliders didnt fit either. we had to make our own

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1. Why would you replace stock del Sol seats (with anything other than stock del Sol seats)?


2. Why would you even consider fake Recaros for anything?

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what seats do you have now (color)

quiet, CivicRacingGirl7 cant u see airjordans trying to get'em off of him...lol


who are u kiddin, airjordan, when u ask him wat color seats they are...we all know u really mean...how much do u want for them.$$$ lol jk

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quiet, CivicRacingGirl7 cant u see airjordans trying to get'em off of him...lol


who are u kiddin, airjordan, when u ask him wat color seats they are...we all know u really mean...how much do u want for them.$$$ lol jk





I'm going to go ahead and guess that it's an S model, since he has a thread in the classifieds forum where he is parting out other S models.... oh, and because of this: Ride: 93 del sol s. So they're not the red-striped ones that I believe airjordan is looking for :thumbsup:

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What are they? Straight black ones, no stripe? And yeah, those are junk. I've sat in them before, the bolsters don't do anything!


Nah, should be the grey stripes. The all black were 96-97, I believe.

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  • 1 month later...

I usually don't join in but I will say you get what you pay for. With that said, if you're just looking for quick replacements, grab them. If you want seats that will last, save a little longer and get some better ones. I was going to get some seats from ebay too...and you can't beat about $100 bucks for a pair of "racing" seats right? Think about it, $50 bucks a seat?...kinda scary? If we all could pay $50 for a good seat, we'd all have them....BUT like I said, if they're temporary, try them out...

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