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Think You Got Game??


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i sat here for 2 hours trying to get this chick to sleep with me. In the end, she only saw me as a brother :( i bought her gifts too! i think im addicted to this game.. hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did!!


show us your pimpin skills


oh and its also dial up friendly so enjoy! (its also WS so dont worry....nothing pornographic) :)

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I was bored last night, so I gave it a round... Didn't know it was such a long game, but ohh well... Ended up having her at a love hotel so I could see her there, beat it on day 96... ehh....

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If I spent as much time and money in 100 days with a real girl as much as I did Saori and didn't score (hell I didn't even get a kiss) I'd probably drown myself in gasoline, light myself on fire, get in my car and drive it off a bridge onto a nuclear bomb and create a gigantic explosion triggering a catastrophic chain of obliteration of entire cities and states, meanwhile flipping a remote control which annihilates anything walking on two legs with breasts and blonde hair instantly, and also releases a noxious gas from all vents in all sewers in the world which causes anyone who inhales the gas to vaporize their brain in a fine mist out of the ears and lose control of their bowels at least 10 minutes before their lungs shoot out of their mouth and eyes blow out of the back of their heads.


Oh by the way, I lost.



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hey even though i am a girl i thought i would've known a couple tricks or two but the first time i didnt get anything. the second time i got a kiss. but i cant seem to pass that stage. my times runs out. i still dont get it what else do u have to do in order to get her in bed.

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