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name that part, oil leak


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I have a small oil leak, coming from an unknown to me part, located passenger side of valve cover , mounted just below the cover breather tube at rear of valve cover, has a solenoid on top of 4 inch triangle shaped plate with a wire connector,,,has three bolts holding it,,,,i removed the bolts and there are two ports, one has a plunger stop in it, i guess it has something to do with oil pressure? the gasket is flat allowing oil to seep down engine to make a spotty mess.....i need the gasket, help me identify the part.......


Yes, i dont know, but that is the part, well the part on top that is separate from the massive part,,,so, what can i call that part in order to find that rubber gasket,,,or think they are sold as a set...,thanks....

just kidding,,i'm sure the parts guy will know, now that i know what the part is,,,thanks,,,you are a sweetie


depends on the part guy.. i've met some that were dumb as hell



most part places have pictures with labels in the computer so hopefully he can figure it out lol


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