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Well about 5 months ago i purchased a new power fan knob for my sol.. Off a guy from ebay paid 22 dollars shipped its like 30 shipped from dealer and this is still in the bag. Well by November i never received it so i paypal did a invesigation and i won and received my money back. Well today it shows up in my mailbox. i feel bad but then i got a knob for free..

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Dont let me get started with paypal, they are the worst when it comes to investigation...


This is what happen to me, I was selling a xbox elite, and sent it out to the confirmed address, well the person sent me money from soneone elses account, hell i really didnt care I got paid....so I sent it out had conformation it was sent out the item and specifically said i was only sending it to a confrimed address. So what paypal is trying to do is charge me back for the 500 bucks I charged the guy ( no i wasnt ripping him off, I gave him like 10 good games and additional controller) whatever anyway i am in dispute with them cause they said the person never recieved it and i have confirmation that it was sent and signed for...yet they are still attempting to charge me for it

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Dont let me get started with paypal, they are the worst when it comes to investigation...


This is what happen to me, I was selling a xbox elite, and sent it out to the confirmed address, well the person sent me money from soneone elses account, hell i really didnt care I got paid....so I sent it out had conformation it was sent out the item and specifically said i was only sending it to a confrimed address. So what paypal is trying to do is charge me back for the 500 bucks I charged the guy ( no i wasnt ripping him off, I gave him like 10 good games and additional controller) whatever anyway i am in dispute with them cause they said the person never recieved it and i have confirmation that it was sent and signed for...yet they are still attempting to charge me for it

geez man sorry to hear that.. yea i feel bad for the guy but i guess in a good way i got a free knob.

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I can tell you more stories then will fit in 20 pages on this forum. The last 10 years of my life I have made my entire income via eBay in 8 of them.



The deal with PayPal is such: (and they are not evil - all companies that work with credit cards deal with the same issues)


PayPal is effectively a credit card company in how they operate. In order to make money people must buy things with their service. Face it, the customer has more to lose in any given transaction compared to the company you bought from as your transaction is just one out of hundreds, maybe thousands that they process in a given day. If the customers use it, the sellers will accept it because they want your money. It is for those reasons the PayPal will ALWAYS side on behalf of the buyer unless the seller provides overwhelming proof to the contrary. This is where the small seller gets screwed (aka - you guys). Larger companies and sellers are set up to handle problem transactions with standardized paperwork and receipts. I even have a direct line with my PayPal rep due to my volumes. Because I am a larger seller with an immaculate track record (1700+ 100% positive feedback on my personal sales account), because I have standardized recordkeeping and because I know the rights things to communicate with PayPal I have NEVER lost a disputed transaction through PayPal.


Sorry for the long winded response.

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