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well good news is im okay, but i have yet to sleep in my bed in 4 days, but i FINALLY get to lay in my bed tonight lol... i have been on mission after mission and nothing is really happening out there, just alot of land mines but we are in MRAPs that are like INVINCABLE, well not really but they are alot better than hummvies, lol... we have to do missions every day for about another 2 to 3 months and then everything should, key word there SHOULD, die down and ill be able to get back on the computer again... well ill keep you posted whenever i can get on the computer... see you guys/girls around :)

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Hey man, appreciate what your doing over there! sucks that you havent been able to get some damn R&R. Well just remember while your on missions im at your crib enjoying your Evo lol. Hey man take care and BE SAFE!!!

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Hey man, appreciate what your doing over there! sucks that you havent been able to get some damn R&R. Well just remember while your on missions im at your crib enjoying your Evo lol. Hey man take care and BE SAFE!!!

like i always say, i REALLY appreciate the support ALOT, it means alot to me to have so much support!!! i got R&R but i was asleep in the mrap i had both the driver and passanger door open and my feet were hanging out one side, and my head out the other :laugh: dont hurt my baby!!! lol thanks alot man, and i will be safe!



oh my truck hasnt been hit by a land mine but i seen all the MRAPs that did get hit, i took a few pics of them, it just blows apart the front and leaves the cabin in tact, so all i have to worry about being a gunner is getting ejected, lol

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LoL, i dunno, being a gunner looks like being a sitting duck to me...but then again if your RAMBO with the turret you dont have to worry about a damn thing lol....but yea man be safe and make sure you holla back at HF!

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just alot of land mines but we are in MRAPs that are like INVINCABLE, well not really but they are alot better than hummvies, lol...

i take that back, when i went out on a mission to a little controlled base that we are in the process of making one MRAP got hit by either a land mine or a IED and it blew the whole assend of the truck apart and all 3 guys had to be life flighted, but i think they are okay... scary stuff... that made me start looking for a weak spot on the undercarrage now, lol


LoL, i dunno, being a gunner looks like being a sitting duck to me...but then again if your RAMBO with the turret you dont have to worry about a damn thing lol....but yea man be safe and make sure you holla back at HF!

nahh, there is soo much armor around me, its 2 inch armor and 4.5 inch bullet proof glass around me and i got my trustly little .50 cal in front of me :devil: i love it up there i can see soo much, its a blast!!!



well im going out to the little controlled base (cob) again tomorrow for a few days, but ill be back and ill keep everyone updated! talk to you guys soon!!! :thumbsup:

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i take that back, when i went out on a mission to a little controlled base that we are in the process of making one MRAP got hit by either a land mine or a IED and it blew the whole assend of the truck apart and all 3 guys had to be life flighted, but i think they are okay... scary stuff... that made me start looking for a weak spot on the undercarriage now, lol

So you're saying you should stay in the front of the MRAP? :laugh:


Hey man, be safe while kicking their asses. You're doing a great service and never forget it.

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well i just got back from that little cob, it was pretty fun, nothing got messed up this time out, thankfully... well except when they were shooting morters at the iraqis while i was sleeping >_< damn things were LOUD! but it was fun... we are supposed to head out to somewhere else to make another cob, somewhere close to the iran border, and its supposed to be a hard mission, oh well more fun for me, lol... i want someone to start shooting at me so i can actually get some action going on, lol... my sgt says that i should have been infantry b/c im fu*ked up in the head, lmao haha oh well i just get bored...

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  • 1 month later...

well im back on CSP as the scout gunner in a MRAP again, fun fun. now we have more missions and are doing ALOT more than last time! oh and the great news we got when we had to go on a night mission to baghdad the other day, the baghdad snipers are back from iraqi sniper school, YAY >_< but besides that everything is just peachy, well i'll talk to you guys and girls soon :p

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