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I know there is a thread for this, but I am too lazy to search right now. Anyone who CS:S's, here is my information, I've been playing on a daily basis again trying to get good, since that's what happened with 1.5 and 1.6 with me.



INGAMENAME ®{S@V3D} cheeto.wc

SERVERYOUCANFINDME (WARNING do not curse, use any derogatory words or phrases, or spray pornographic material; you will be banned.)


But yeah, might try on 1.6 for size again, kind of miss the old crappyness.

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Source has only been out for like 2 years. Deffo a different animal than your standard issue CS.


My friend's been playing this a lot over here as "A True Fine Gentleman" on server "source kills."

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Welcome to CS:S join me up in my teams server


Ingame name = XX-Kill-4-Cash-XX


Good times in this server.read the rules when you join

( you CAN curse if you want ) not alot of kids on are server mostly 18+.

and not alot of AWPing(sniper) going on only 2 per team.


Might be down right now but add it.. we have Dust2 and Office in map rotation only. :thumbsup:

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Ben, Counter-Strike is really old, even when I started back in 2002 it was old, but there are many different versions. I started on 1.5, but I know people who were in it since beta. Then they started releasing new stuff, not just downloads of new versions, such as Condition Zero and Source.


Vital, that sounds fine, I will join up sometime. Add me on Steam. I don't mind no AWP, but one per team is very decent, because it is part of the game and all. And why only de_dust2 and cs_office? Yuck. I like dust2, but office gets mad old. Why no de_aztec, de_inferno, de_nuke, de_dust, or de_cbble?

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de_aztec, de_inferno, de_nuke, de_dust, or de_cbble are all one sided maps. People tend to leave when we tried adding new maps. office does get a little ehh but we make the best of it a lot of the regulars like to use team work so sometimes office is really fun.

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I heard about the hit boxes being off before, never seen it in action though.


The map you made is pretty cool, looks like it would be fun with a lot of people, since it is so big. One suggestion, a lot of open area in places, add some boxes or something.

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OMFG compuvision02 I GOT BANNED FROM YOUR SERVER ...WHAT GIVES??? My score was ( 40-3 )----- 2 vs me about 5-6 defuses they was awping i was TMP rushing...i never typed or spoke on the mic.. i did hit a rude sound wave i had but i said sorry on the mic it was next to my auto buy key but i got kicked like 15 min later.my sound wave says "I got a big fuking boner right now" but i cut it off in the middle of fuk and said sorry.. :rant:


People on the server was






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As I said on Steam, I will figure it out. If we hear people catch themselves, we try and be leniant, especially if it is their first time. May have just been a bad day for a moderator and he didn't feel like spectating you or was not paying enough attention to how you were getting your points up. Hopefully I can have this straightened out within the next few days. Sorry man.

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Have yet to get a direct response from an admin, but did you attempt to join at all today? Snorelax remembers you in there and said that you were banned for doing so well, nothing more, so unban should be no problem. I am really tight with a few of the major admins, so should be no time.


On another note, our clan went into it's first CAL season. Even though I haven't been with the clan that long, I am on their scrim team, I am fairly excited since I've yet to play in any leagues. I doubt we will do anything spectacular, but for a clan that just started a scrim team, we won't do too bad.

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Vital, I was wondering a few things about demos, since you recorded one for your map, figured I would ask you. We had our first CAL match and we have to record demos, I tried watching mine, typed "playdemo preseasonCT" in console. It played, but only for around 15 seconds. I did not type "stop" until the end of the half, did the same thing for the second half. My console says "not recording a demo..." all the time, I have no idea what it is, but it shows up when I pub and after I hit record. Any ideas? Also, how do you convert them to something that is not ".dem"?

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I use a program called Fraps to record my map.. I dont do the whole console thing cuz you can only watch them from console. there is a program called geek something cant remember the whole thing. I tried it out a few times and no luck getting it to run the right way or at all for that matter.You better off with fraps but it might cut your FPS by half causing you to lag big time thats why I lag on my vid.



Told you I was good, being good got me banned( 40 kills - 3 deaths) lol... Still good times just sucks I got banned any word from admin yet. :happy:

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