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Owned by a 18 Wheeler !


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I was hit by a 18 wheeler last night around 12 am in Yonkers NY i was coming home from a car meet i was in the right turning lane with my blinker on. I had an 18 wheeler in the left lane next to me with no blinker on the light turns green i go then he out of now where decides to cut me off. I get sandwich between 2 poles on the right side of the car and his steel bed which was huge started crushing,smashing into my drivers side. I felt glass hitting me but i didn't get cut it was crazy the roof was caving in on me and you guys know how big are windshield is i thought was going to explode in my face. I thank god my drivers side window was down or that would have shattered in my face as well i got all his info etc he stated he couldn't see me which i understand due to his blind spot. But he didn't have his blinker on and he didn't even check the lane etc no excuse for that if he had his blinker on i would have never pulled to the side of him to turn. He said he was lost he was trying to make a u-turn he couldn't find interstate 87 etc so he was not even all there. I got all the info i needed,insurance,police report i hope it gets totaled so i can try to get a new 1 but that prob wont happen the car will never be the same now if they do fix due to this guy this is BS and i dont wish this on any 1.















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Deffo buy it back from your insurance company after they total it, though. That's gonna have a brand new (practically) Si motor in there that was pretty much untouched. You could make some money off of that deal.

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Deffo buy it back from your insurance company after they total it, though. That's gonna have a brand new (practically) Si motor in there that was pretty much untouched. You could make some money off of that deal.


I cant buy it back its only worth like 17 or 18k it has 18k miles on it plus i still owe like 22 or 23 k on the car i hope i have gap insurance i def want a new 1 i will keep you guys updated.

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hey glad your ok and i think they will total it. i was just in a bad accident thursday morning and totaled my hatch. it sucks everybody getting into accidents. good luck man

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