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My House Was Shaking This Morning..


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so i was online this morning when all of a sudden, my house was shaking. i figured it was some plane/helicopter flying REALLY low b/c i could feel the vibration in my chest and sh*t!! so you could imagine how low it was. so i was curious and ran to the closest window and saw 6 chinook's!! if you dont know what those are, they're the long choppers with 2 propellers on top. the kinds you see during the vietnam war or movies about the vietnam war. so yeah...6 of those flying really low would make your house rattle too!! now you know those chinook's are gov't owned!! is that a sign that we're going to war with iraq any day soon?!?!!? omg


i was scared the govt found out about the opium i was growing in my backyard ahaha jk..or am i?:ninja:

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