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head gasket leak!!


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havent really tried head gasket sealers may be its a stupid question but my question is do head gasket sealers really work as a tempory solution ?? is it worth the 75 dollars or shoould i not even bother and buy the gasket kit ? and just get it over with? i have a 2000 honda accord with 135,000 miles on it !!

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They might work temporarily (each car/leak is different), but the biggest question is do you want to run the risk of clogging the heater core with a coolant head gasket treatment? That job is just as expensive if it were to clog. Replace the gasket IMO.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In my experience block sealer is a joke. The Only time Ive seen it potentially work is when the Leak is minor and the Sealer just prolonged the Vehicle for a couple months. Its a patch, and that is with small leaks..... medium - major leaks.... forget it. If you do decide to go this route though do not buy the cheap stuff, you should be spending anywhere from 35-50 dollars on a Can of it.

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