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'92 civic seats in a '97?


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Alright, so I have a friend with a '97 (maybe '98) Civic DX Coupe. He put in some upgraded seats for his car (universal fit) and got rid of his stock ones. After having them for a while, he decided he doesn't really like the way they feel and is looking for some stock seats again. I proposed trading him for mine, but I would have to find out if they would fit.


...so would stock '92 Civic EX Sedan seats fit in a '97 Civic DX Coupe without much modification?


I am only talking about the two front seats by the way.

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it would work but only 3 of 4 bolts would line up. if that doenst bother you than go for it.


Awesome, thank you for the help! Would there be any problems sliding the seats up and back in order to let people in the back of his car?

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