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yay for $10 watches from china






this thing is massive compared to my real watch. need to remove some links. anyone know a good tool to do that? i think you just punch the pins out, but a pin is too small

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yay for $10 watches from china


this thing is massive compared to my real watch. need to remove some links. anyone know a good tool to do that? i think you just punch the pins out, but a pin is too small

not tacky at all. jk haha


if u can get the pin to start comin out a little u can pull it out with plyers but...use ur imagination as to wat u can use in the house to push that pin out! lol

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haha yeah its real tacky, thats why i got it. well i dont have anything that small at my house, i can tell you do

normally the pins arent pushed in all the way...u cant get pliars on the end of one of the pins?


if not, a watch repair shop should do it for free

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Use your penis, I hear it is smaller then a pin...




















...OH! Just playing man, just bring it to a major department store with a jewlery section. See how they react to it, haha.

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