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ok, so I was in my girlfriends room last night, and two RA's came to the door saying they heard there might be alcohol in the room. they made us open all the cupboards and there were two empty bottles in one, and since its a dry campus they wrote us all up. my gf has to take e-chug and gets a fine, idk what happens to me yet. There was no alcohol, and no evidence that any of us had been drinking. I am wondering if it is legal for them to come into the room and make us open the cupboards up. I've heard from about 8-10 people around here that this is illegal... any response from a law student or something would be much appreciated. thanks.

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Sounds like illegal search and seizure to me but I don't know if that applies to college dorms.

Check the rules for the dorm, it will say whether the RAs are allowed into a room.


Oh and did you give them permission to enter. If you did it makes it legal. You do have the right to deny a request for search until it can be proved to be legal.

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eh, they can do it. same at my school. if they even have the slightest reasons and want to be dickks about it, they can search. same thing happened to me. you'll never win if you try to testify against it.


its not right, and it should be illegal, but, they are gay.

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I don't know how it is everywhere, but when I was in college, the RA's couldn't open the door, but once it was opened, they could come in and look for whatever they wanted. RA's were cool though, and never really searched. They were more "plain sight" fans. If they saw it, or if you were being dumb about it, they would bust ya. Remember, you're technically living on the school's property, so they have a right to protect themselves as well. It should be in a contract somewhere, though...


We had a puppy living on our floor for about 6 weeks, (and I think a cat or two) and the RA's never cared. Most of the time, even if you got caught drinking, they would just tell you not to let them see you with it. But my school can't claim they are dry anymore, because my Freshman year they built a bar in the student union :thumbsup::laugh::D:laugh::thumbsup:

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