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Honda fit newbie

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Hi there guys. Just intoduced myself over on the other page and thought id come get stuck in...



first off... :)


*04/5 honda jazz/ fit... whats the 1.4 dsi-se like? engine wise or anything else? are they known to have any faults? im looking at buying one and realy dont want my first japanese car to be a cockup haha... been thinking about going asian for ages so im gonna bite the bullet..



*do they share anything with other hondas? i.e suspension or engines?


*are there any companies listing coilovers ?



*all of these realy apply to early cars (what would that be ? a mk1 or phase 1 or series1? )



cheers for any help you can offer guys it ll be much apprieicated. oh and once its bought and the playing begins ill be sure to get lots of pics if thats ok here? :thumbsup:

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