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ECU codes


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Okay on the computer there is the open plug and when you connect the circuit and turn the key to "on" the check engine light will blink and 'tell' you a code. Well mine said 32, and 36. I believe the code for 36 is knock sensor which i got under control but 32 i don't know and i'd like the list to see everything. Also how do i like clear a code or see what other codes there are. It just blinks 32 over and over again. Not sure if there are more.


Thanks, if all you can do is give me a link to the code list : D

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Okay smart ass, i'm not retarted, google was the first thing i tried. All the lists i find are 5 digit OBD II codes. Or if i can find one with single and double digits they never have 32 or 36.


PERAPHS someone can tell me exactly what code 32, and code 36 are, 36 isn't the knock sensor i was wrong. If you could link the webpage you got the info from that would be greatly appreciated.


btw, thanks for letting me know about www.google.com like i didn't already know about it : D

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I know you're too f*cking dumb to spell retarded, how that's for not knowing anything?


Edit -- and the context in which you said that makes it ALL the more better.

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Keep telling yourself that, douchecanoe. 'Cause while you're here looking stupid, you COULD be checking OTHER Honda websites/message boards to see if they have them.

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