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break caliper squeeking


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alright before you even say it. my break pads are fine so dont even mention it. so heres my situation, when my car is slowing down without even touching the breaks there is a squeeking sound coming from the caliper. so i put the side up and took the tire off too see if i could reinact what was happening. i did so successfully it does it even worse when the car is in reverse, and there is also a constant almost scraping sound when the router is turning. when i take the caliper off there is no noise what so ever. maybe if i put some caliper grease around maybe that will stop the noise?


what does everyone else think?

serious help only please i do not need sarcastic responses please and thank you. ( i know most people on here are really helpful, and have been extremely helpful i dont mean to offend anyone.)


Thanks again!!!

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