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Window Tint


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What kind of tint do you guys have? I want to get it tinted to look nice and clean but I also don't want it to be to dark for the cops to pull me over left and right. Does 35 sound like it would look good or would a little darker be better?

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Damn you're a lucky guy man. In NC it's 35%. I think I'll roll with that just to be on the safe side and not attract any of the Po Po. BTW. Glad to hear you got your ride back man.

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Thanks a lot.


And, yea..going with the limit would be your best bet. Florida doesn't really enforce it as hard as other states..but if you're pulled for somethign and they happened to notice how dark your tint is..yea.


I have 5% on my car LOL.

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Unless they're just an butthead. I was pulled in my red EJ6 over my window tint, only because I was actually one car ahead of the state trooper that decided to pull me.

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last i knew NY's laws were as dark as you want on the back windows, and sides but driver and passenger door's max was 15%

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15% is the max on the two front doors..quarter windows/rear windows are as black as you like.


Mine are 5. ALLLL around.

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