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Posts posted by Humphries

  1. i dont litter either :fistbump: but if i were taking a pic i was gonna post, i'd have swept first.


    i have a plastic bag, when its full, i throw it away. i vacuum once a week too, i does not like a messy car.


    dont care how my car looks.. as long as it doesnt stink.

  2. now if only you could afford a vacuum cleaner...

    jk... mostly. those are much nicer.


    thanks betch.


    i wash and detail my car once a month.. I made a new year's resolution a couple years ago to not litter so i just throw everything in the back seat or floor board now. I like to clean it when it's filthy so it makes me really happy when it's finally clean again


    or i clean it when im super bored with nothing else to do..

  3. I personally don't see it as a knock off Honda, it's Kia's step up into higher quality vehicles. Its styling is a bit of amalgamation of various different cars. I'm sorry but if the only thing you're looking at is the headlights and you instantly think "Honda rip-off", then you're probably one of the more ignorant people that flood this forum with their terrible, terrible trolling. It's hard to say it, but you've gotten even more dumb and annoying than you were when I had started here back in 08. ;)



    this is called honda forums dot com.


    there are going to be people disliking your korean kia.


    i like the new kia designs, i just wouldnt buy one.


    besides the new optima.. fracking love the optima. sexy car.

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