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Status Updates posted by Killazlnc

  1. RT @Sargon_of_Akkad: Hahaha no. frack off back to ISIS you vermin. You knew what they were when you joined, you can stay there. https://t.co…

  2. RT @PrisonPlanet: Real American hero is not stopping for your dumb protest. ???via @Rambobiggs https://t.co/fd8DWLmPT9

  3. The Dems are flipping their own shit right now. Justice is coming. Some Dem scumbags are being targeted...

  4. RT @TheHateTank: Just not aging well. Much like yourself. https://t.co/CfDINLrl03

  5. RT @Styx666Official: Want to become a corporate media talking head? Just practice saying "Russia" over and over and get used to doing so da…

  6. RT @JoeDziurman: A classmate actually said "dank memes" irl today. I've never heard anyone say it for real & then I felt a little bit of me…

  7. RT @SunnyAtTheGulf: @KeithOlbermann How quickly the worm turns @mitchellvii @RealJamesWoods You can't make this stuff up - you just can't!…

  8. Watching Dems run around on a rampage, wondering who actually got fired. Comey get fired or Dems? Entertainment in… https://t.co/pHqunFFZZr

  9. RT @MarkDice: Why do studios keep putting out Amy Schumer movies when the only thing funny she's been in are memes? #Snatched https://t.co/…

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