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91 CRX parking issues


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hey y'all, 

new the forums, I picked up a fixer-upper 91' crx, absolutely love the car and really want to take care of it. Apart from an oil leak (pretty sure its the oil pan gasket, working on it this weekend), the main problem I'm worried about is it has difficulty shifting into park, its an automatic transmission but whenever I finish driving and go to park, it revs itself for a few seconds before finally locking into gear. The dash will show its not in any gears even though shifter is fully in park, Ill kinda 'look around' with the shifter untill the dash lights up the parking light.  worried about it because recently it has been taking longer to find the gear. I think it might be related to its high idle but I don't know enough to properly diagnose it. Anyone else have this problem? Where should I start to find the problem? really want to work on it myself and access to a lot of tools. Thanks for any help!




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