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HELP from YOU experts


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This is my first Honda Civic. 2007 1.8 liter 51K

Bought it used, warranty expired.


Need to run seafoam thru brake booster vacuum line but having trouble locating. Any idea's?

Have googled my fingers to the bone.

Also looking for IACV - must be placed out of sight??? Can't locate that either, needs cleaned.


You guys are the best, and seem to know MUCH MORE than any dealership, or repair shops.


Please Help ! Thanks!!!!

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for the brake booster line, look at your brake master cylinder, and the big black drum thing (hard rubber) attaching that to the firewall is the brake booster. look for a black hose coming off of it going to the intake mani, that the brake booster vacuum line. pop the end out from the brake booster and stick it in the bottle and do what you gotta do.


iacv is going to be somewhere around the throttle body, idk where specifically since i have a different car.

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IIRC the iacv is under the throttle body on older models. On your model I have no clue. Never even touched one, much less look under the hood.


You need to buy yourself a chiltons service manual instead of spending hours on the google monster.

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