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idle controll problems


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!!! I hadve just recently went and bought me a 1994 honda prelude s and i am having a idle problem. when i start my car and it just sits there and runs the car will rev up and down between 1 thousand RMP and 1.5, and i will do that asd long as the car is idleing, but as soon as i trun the A/C on it will stop and idle like it should.I had bought a idle control valve i think thats what it was and put that on because someone told me that was most likely my problem and i was not! does anyone have the same problem? and if so did you get it fixed? and how could i get mine running right?

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IACV. (Idle-Air-Control-Valve) Mine does the same thing. I'm not sure how to fix it though. It's not hard, but somebody on here should be able to guide you through it.

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Find the vaccum leak, it should be making a hissing sound. Since you bought the car with a leak, you probably cannot distinguish the sound from the other noises the car makes, so find someone with a Prelude or Accord that works fine and listen to the motor with the hood up, then compare with yours; it should be obvious where the leak is at that point.

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