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Ctr swap or a GSR


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Hi im new to the forums and i want to buy a integra GSR I found an integra with a ctr swap here is the posting for it http://newjersey.craigslist.org/cto/983769088.html im not sure what trim of the car is hope fully u guys can help me confirm what trim it is and help me decide if i should get a stock GSR or Buy the integra with a ctr swap im not sure because i have never herd of anyone dropping a ctr in an integra. please help me

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I say GSR all the way. I personally think B16's are worthless.


I couldn't think of what I was going to call B16's. I remembered. :) Torqueless Wonders. Haha.

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too bad a b16b destroys a gsr.



well I dont know about "destroys", but I've heard some one else say that a b16b would pull on a b18c1. How is that? When the b18c1 has more hp and more tq and weighs roughly the same? Given the same transmission, in the same chassis, the gsr should come away with the W, I would assume.

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ok well i had a friend that had a b18c5 in his 95 LS integra, and a friend with a 99 hatch and a b16b and he walked him no prob.

guess im lying though right?

and ssr, why dont you just make a forum called ssrtuning.com since you are a genius it sounds like.

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