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annoying condesation on back window

Will 14

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Hello everyone, I have a 1992 Accord and it runs great. The problem is that the back window is wet on the inside. I don't know but I took it into an auto body shop and they could not find a bad seal. Everything seems to be dry but the back window. It's weird I will get out of school and go to my car and the back window will be wet. I don't know where this moisture is coming from, thanks for your help!

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There is water somewhere in your car.


As the water (wherever it is inside your car) evaporates, it humidifies the air inside your car. The temperature gradient from the inside of your car to the outside, is such that is supports the precipitations of the water being held in the saturated air within your car. If it was colder in your car than it is outside, the water would not appear inside the car.


Find the water!


Check under your mats, feel all of your rug with your hand (under seats, under dash too!), check your spare tire well, and feel the rug in your trunk.


Sop up what you can, then run your A/C to dehumidify the air.


If the temperature gradient is sufficient, and the barametric pressure is low enough, one damp rug can cause water to appear on your window.


Question: have you been tracking water or ice/snow into your car?

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Do you have rust over the rear fender wells? The seem between the inner and outer fender well when rusted out can cause water to enter the car. Check the spare tire well for water. If it there then it should be either the seem is rusted out or another very common problem with that generation car is the seals for the tail lights get dirty and leak. If there is no rust and water in the trunk then I would pull the tail lights and re-seal them with some black RTV. If the trunk is dry then do as others have mentioned above.


Good luck.

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