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Sqeaking brakes.


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My brakes on my 1995 Honda prelude S have always made screeching noices but they seem to come and go. My friend who is a mechanic has cleaned them, applied break quieter, and we replaced the rotors but it still squeaks. the brake pads are still full but we think they may be cheap and low quality.


Has anyone else had this sort of problem before?

anyone think they know a solution?





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The caliper pistons need lubrication. Honda specifies a grafite based lubricant that contains molybdenum; forgo the cheaper aluminum grafite lubricant as this does not meet Honda specs.




Do you know what it is called or where i could get it?

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There is not one name or brand and it varies from store to store.


Just look through the lubricants until you find one that says "grafite" or "brake caliper grease", then read the ingredients until you find one that contains molybdenum.


Google, I searched "caliper grease molybdenum" and got 12,800 hits.




Gunk makes Squeal Medic Caliper Grease, which contains molybdenum disulfide. They distribute this product in a 3-ounce tube, a 2-7 gram Pillow Pak, and an 8-ounce bottle.


Edit: with each OEM Honda brake pad kit, Honda includes one ketchup sized packet of a grafite lubricant that contains molybdenum disulfide. The stuff I am telling you to get is the same stuff, just a larger quantity. Make sure you slide the rubber boots back onto the caliper after lubin up.

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