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Wireing Issue...

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alright here's an odd issue im in the middle of right now...


I'm in the process of wiring up a resistor box, and when the key is turned to on where fuel pump primes etc. I only have power at one wire( checked plug and wires) It's not even one thats suposed to have power by the pix(hondata and d-series.org pic)... Am I missing something? I dont have a multimeter but am usin one of those screw drive/pens that light up when it is put on a power source when grounded out.


i'm tempted to just go by the pix where the dots are on the inside of the clip that indicates which wire to cut/should have power.


help/info greatly appreciated! -dwight

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in this pic the spots on the clip that usually has a retaining plug in it should have power when the key is on. mine does not.




the only one that has power is the top left slot in this pic.

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