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members journal?

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I think it would be a good idea to have a new section for members journals. I have journals in all the other sites i go on and it would be a good thing to have hear so people can keep a track of their car builds and keep it to one thread (im guilty for starting a few).


If this was made, i'd also suggest being able to edit the topic title whenever you want to be able to keep the viewers up to date with whatever your doing.

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kinda i guess, like in the main page you can have a "members journal" section, where people can post threads of their cars and "blog" so when they have updates you can jsut post in there instead of everywhere else (like i do haha). also i just figured it would be best to be able to edit the actual title so people know whats going on...like i keep updating my "whats up fudgepackers" thread, but i cant update that and write "hey i did this with my car blah blah" so people know i actually did something instead of post whoring like half the ppl do here.

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