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Hey everyone.


I am purchasing a 88 CRX HF tommorow for about 150 bucks. It runs, but needs some work. It has about 305k miles on it (Dear god) and I am planning on doing an engine swap.

I'm pretty proficient with cars (I went to auto tech school) and am actually in process of building a shop off the side of my house.

Anyway, back on topic.

I am extremely new to the honda community. I've been a die hard Toyota follower ever since I got my first Camry. I now drive a 95 4Runner (Complete top end rebuild, etc...).

Anyway, after pouring over many forums and a ton of crap on wikipidia, I finally decided that I want to go with the B18A1 motor swap.

From what I read, its pretty much a straight swap - with the exception of the engine mounts. Which is fine.

Anyway, my real question here is this - I have no idea where the hell to even find one of these motors. Ebay is great, but filtering through 50 pages of crap to possibly find a motor doesn't intrest me.


So, does anyone know where to look for these engines? I'm probably going to start asking around the local junkyards. I'll be driving the car for a while just for the gas mileage, after I fix a couple small things.


Then I'll buy the engine, rebuild it, and drop it in over a weekend or something. Anyway, any help would be awesome. You can email me, its probably the best way to get in touch with me (tburch_336@hotmail.com)


Thanks much!



*Ninja Edit* Also, I couldn't even find a price on these engines...anyone know a ballpark range?

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Welcome. Pics whenever you get it maybe?




yea......I don't trust anything on craigslist......maybe that's just me though


Well, I dont usually either. I emailed the guy, he emailed me back. I honestly dont even care if the engine is running, I'm tearing it completly apart anway and rebuilding it.

The only thing that would worry me was if the Head was warped...but other than that, i'm not worried.


I'll post some pics when I get it, it will probably be tommorow night or thursday.

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Besides the engine mounts,your gonna have change the transmission as well.You said its an HF?the steering knuckles has to be repaced also.As for the throttle cable,you may have to fabricate the throttle cable bracket.

Well,I think i mentioned everything ?

Good luck bro,and if you need any questions,we are here for you.! :drew: :)

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Besides the engine mounts,your gonna have change the transmission as well.You said its an HF?the steering knuckles has to be repaced also.As for the throttle cable,you may have to fabricate the throttle cable bracket.

Well,I think i mentioned everything ?

Good luck bro,and if you need any questions,we are here for you.! :drew: :)


Quick question, regarding that then.


Is there another engine that is easier to drop in? I mean this engine is about as basic as it comes, but is there an engine where a tranny swap isn't needed? I couldn't find a tranny anywhere as of the past 4 days...

Thanks for the replies :)


If all else fails...I'll just rebuild the HF engine and get crankin on that.

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