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ebay coilovers, struts, ram air


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get what you pay for I know but for CAI, and struts (IE a piece of metal across frame) it seems harmless yet probably helpful for a small amount


what about the coilovers? anyone? I have seen them for 60 shipped? just springs are twice that?


are they crap? do the float under load?

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I ordered a pair of coilover springs off of ebay and i'm scared to put them on from some of the stuff i've read on Honda-Tech. If you order them and install them, let me know how they are.

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do not get coilovers from an ebay brand, period. the intake, a bunch have people have done that and then replaced the filter with one from K&N which has seemed to work for them. the struts, i guess it would help, im sure the materials they use are cheap and not very strong, but its your car. i decent strut bar isnt that expensive to begin with so if you just saved up a little longer you wouldnt have to worry about it

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