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Well I havn't posted in a while ive been extremly busy, anyways my CF trunk got keyed at school its crapty ill take a picture, I have no idea who it was but I really wish I could find out.

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Don't people normally key up rice machines and not really clean, sexy beasts?


That sucks.


Well, welcome back.

I wish that were the case :( That trunk was 500$ and I cant fix it ither.

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Welcome back...poor beautiful car....


I had an occasion once where someone purposefully rammed their truck door into mine. Idiot rednecks didn't think about the fact that they were the only one in the school parking lot with that color of vehicle....and their truck door still had my paint on it even though they moved across the parking lot.


Rednecks had to walk their fat asses all the way home. Tough to drive home with four flats now isn't it?

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Carbon Fiber can't be fixed, and if it can im sure for the amount it would cost I could buy another trunk. Thanks for the responses guys!

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well, might be a dumb question, but is the scratch merely in the clear or did it go through into the material?


If it is only in the clear it might be repairable. or at least covered up enough to that you wouldn't notice unless you are 1 foot from it.

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The only thing you can do is either put that carbon fiber adhesive on it or trash the trunk and get a new one...although they are a tad bit pricey

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It looks like it is right in the middle, how about a nice ricing stripe down the middle of the car to cover it up? Or maybe some nice ricer graphics on the trunk lid? You have the ever popular chrome tape, just like all the gangsta wannabees use to cover up the rust on their pontiacs with plastic spinner hibcaps.


To me the most realistic option would be to just have the trunk painted to match the car. You loose the scratch, the carbon fibre look and gain an oem style lid with weight loss.

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