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For my next tattoo


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^that's what it says in greek


is it not that obvious?? the first letter is phi, then there's an L, then A, and so on


so with the first 3 characters it spells "PHILA". go figure :thumbsup:

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i got it right away, does that mean i am crazy?


it means you have a quick brain :)


cool Harry...maybe we should all get tattoos before or after HF meet! :D my last piercing was so spontaneous...I was just walking in Pasadena (a city around here) and decided to get it...


so when are you getting it Harry?

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it means you have a quick brain :)


cool Harry...maybe we should all get tattoos before or after HF meet! :D my last piercing was so spontaneous...I was just walking in Pasadena (a city around here) and decided to get it...


so when are you getting it Harry?


Spontaneous and tattoos don't go together.



Why Philadelphia?

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Spontaneous and tattoos don't go together.


how about it....


try explainin that one to the grand kids.... "well I got this one here when I was a dumb teen, and forgot that well.... it never comes off"


"people say thats an artistic expression. and im like wow! cause it looks like a butterfly above your cooter"


"if I ever get a tattoo, its going to be one that says "i'm dumb" and put it on my forehead. so if i ever forget why i got it, I just look up, and remember... oh yeah......."


-daniel tosh-

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