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Help Wtih 92 Legend

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Ok, well i just recently attempted to fix my legend. The car was spitting out water out of the muffler and was over heating after turning the engine on for about 5 minutes. I assumed it was the head gasket and just got that switched out. The problem now is that after putting everything back on the whole engine is shaking, and also the muffler isn't spitting out water but white smoke is coming out. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? If so, i would greatly appreciate the help, and i thank you guys in advance.:thumbsup:

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well white smoke is a sign of head gasket issues. if u replaced it did u do it right? i would check on that first



well, the thing is, im not sure.. it was just me and couple of my mechanic friends so we had no professional help, howevre im not saying they are all amateurs either because they have major experience so idk if it was install correctly or not but do you think there is any other problems that may cause this act?

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