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88 Prelude aftermarket muffler backpressure question.


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I have a 1988 honda prelude si 2.0. i have bought a aftermarket muffler, it wasnt the best thing out there but $90 bucks for a muffler is decent lol. well my friend was telling me that his dad was saying when i install it, it will rob my car of power because its not getting enough backpressure to the motor. Now im kinda confused, i see people all the time installing fart cannons on their hondas and its not "robbing" anything from the car. so whats the difference with mine? would it accually take power from my motor?

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how big is it? the only thing that would do that is if you ran 3 inch piping for a stock motor. youre fine, unless you have like a 5 inch muffler, but even then the stock piping is still there

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