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My productive weekend.


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Friday night got drunk and rode out to Hooters with my friend. Had some BBQ and saw a bunch of wrestlers (WWE was in town). Went back to his apartment and watched Jackass. Woke up and we headed to my house, where I replaced a bunch of seals and gaskets on his Z6 and tore his A6 trans down. He fabbed up an antenna blockoff and started measuring for the sunroof plug he is going to fab. Sunday I slept in and woke up to an empty house for the 2nd day in a row (parents were gone all weekend). Got up, ate breakfast, rubbed one out, smoked, did the edge painting in my room, went on a little drive and got lunch, mowed the lawn in a cool pattern, weedeated, swept the grass clippings out of the street, and did the dishes.


Go me.

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long weekend...go you :D mine:


Friday: work, running errands and girl stuff...then fixed friend's car's front...lip and all...smoked hookah and talked...watched a movie at theaters...with bf...went home at 2...


Saturday: 7:30 a.m. met up with friends, went to bimmerfest in Santa Barbara, CA (2 hours drive)...lunch, beach...bf and friends...back to watch boxing...hookah...talked...went to gf's apartment party...got home 3:30ish...


Sunday: slept in, hung out with sis, hung out with gf, home, talked on phone with bf until 2ish...


and I woke up at 5:30 as always today!


:D go me too...hehe

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checked out myspace? what ways? lol


I like my bf a loooot...I never thought I would meet anyone as wild as me...he is the greatest man!


btw, didn't you say in the "Nancy is cool" thread: "Not gonna discuss my sex life on here." ??

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checked out myspace? what ways? lol


I like my bf a loooot...I never thought I would meet anyone as wild as me...he is the greatest man!


btw, didn't you say in the "Nancy is cool" thread: "Not gonna discuss my sex life on here." ??


Okay -- if not him..


Then I will. Jeeze. Picky woman.

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No, satisfy you in ways that your boyfriend never could. :) He may not talk about it, or want to talk about it.


But I shall. The fact you drive a Honda is just an added perk LOL.

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lol ya, back of my car is pretty comfy.........for bf n I :D


and btw,


My girlfriend doesn't want a boy..


She's afraid he'll come out like me.


The bolded comments..when used in the same paragraph made me laugh so loud that my girlfriend looked at me and went, "what's so f*cking funny?"



your gf will not like this thread!

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