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I 've a D16Y6, similar than D16Y8.... but not the same....

two weeks ago, my car lost acceleration and passing 5.000RPM.... prrrr.....prrrr......prrrrrrr..... failure

the check light was on... searching... the code 54, crankshaft fluctuation sensor was the problem because the damage was caused by the alternator... I reset the ECU and nao is better but is not the same and at 5.000 RPM is the same failure, like a shortcuit or like you pas the redline.... but the scanner doy indicate nothing.... could you help me???

The fuel pump is new, a walbro, the presure is ok, the compresion test is ok, the spark plugs ares ok, the oil level and presure are ok, the turbo has 3 months ago, and the failure appears recently



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Reason for poor acceleration = you're driving a single cam.


Methods of fixing problem

- Full tuneup..won't make it any faster..



Yea. Just get it tuned up completely. New spark plugs, wires, check the dizzy..


Um. Someone already posted it, so I'll quit now.

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